PhD students providing basic research to receive over PLN 10 million 


The National Science Center (NCN) will finance 84 scholarships for PhD students providing basic research to help them make first steps in their scientific careers under the results of the ETIUDA call.

The ETIUDA call is addressed to participants of doctoral studies or people who have an open doctoral dissertation at a Polish scientific or research institutions authorized to award doctoral titles.

In the eighth ETIUDA competition, 448 young PhD students applied for 84 awarded scholarships. Laureates will receive research scholarships in the amount of PLN 5,000 per month for the period of preparation of their doctoral dissertations, and they will also complete an internship lasting from 3 to 6 months in a foreign research center of their choice. In total, PLN 10,112,948 will be allocated to young scientists.

Ranking list:

Research and development