PLN 32 million allocated for grants in SONATINA 7 competition


38 researchers starting their scientific careers received grants in the SONATINA 7 competition. The National Centre for Science (NCN) will allocate more than PLN 32 million to finance two- and three-year projects.

The aim of the SONATINA competition is to support the careers of young researchers. In its seventh competition, applications could be submitted by scientists who were awarded a doctoral degree between 1 January 2020 and 30 June 2023. 

In the competition, 185 applications were submitted to NCN for a total amount of almost PLN 150 million. As a result of a two-stage evaluation procedure, NCN experts qualified 38 projects for funding for a total amount of over PLN 32 million. 

Winners of the SONATINA 7 competition will carry out research at universities and other units in, among others, Białystok, Gdańsk, Kraków, Poznań and Warsaw. Most projects will be carried out at institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences (9), the University of Warsaw (4) and the National Centre for Nuclear Research (3).

Research and development