The European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) has selected seven scientists to work as members of the Appointment Committee. This group includes Prof. Lucjan Pawłowski, Lublin University of Technology. The task of the Committee is to select new members to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Prof. Lucjan Pawłowski works at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering of the Lublin University of Technology. His scientific interests include the use of chemical methods in wastewater treatment and water treatment, the production of renewable energy from waste and biomass, as well as the development of the concept of sustainable development, in particular sustainable management of natural resources.
Prof. Pawłowski is the author of 22 monographs and 168 scientific papers. He patented 88 inventions.
EASA is one of the most prestigious scientific organizations in Europe. The academy is made up of international experts in science, art and religion. The Academy’s members belong to 2,000 of the most outstanding scientists and artists from all over Europe, including 31 Nobel laureates.