Polish and Norwegian scientists jointly carry out social and humanities research

fot. NCN

A conference promoting the Basic Research programme financed under the 3rd round of the Norwegian and EEA Funds was held at the headquarters of the National Science Centre (NCN) in Krakow. This year’s event was devoted to the humanities and social sciences.

“The exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge between researchers with different backgrounds is -fundamental for the development of knowledge”, stressed Dr Marcin Liana, Deputy Director of NCN, during the opening of the conference. 

Siv Haugan, representative of the Research Council of Norway, the Donors’ representative institution in the Basic Research programme, added during her speech that social sciences and humanities are an important and appreciated research area by the Donors and presented the possibilities for their funding under Horizon Europe.

The Norwegian and EEA Funds are funding from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway aimed at reducing social and economic inequalities in the European Economic Area and strengthening bilateral relations with 15 beneficiary countries in Central and Southern Europe.

Research and development