Polish-Australian cooperation in Antarctica


The Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and the Institute of Geophysics PAS have reached an agreement with Geoscience Australia, under which scientists from both countries can conduct joint research in Earth sciences in the Antarctic area. This is the first document on scientific cooperation in Earth sciences, concluded at this level between Poland and Australia.

The document will enhance joint scientific activities within the Australian Antarctic Strategic Science Plan and the Polish Strategy for Polar Research.

The first stage of cooperation will be revitalization of the Polish polar station named after Antoni B. Dobrowolski, located in the Bunger Oasis (Eastern Antarctica) and unused for over 40 years. The station will start erecting autonomous geophysical stations on the exposed rocks of the Antarctic continent. After 40 years, the first expedition of Polish geophysicists to the Bunger Oasis is planned in 2022.
