Project “The impact of post-war population resettlement on Polish-Czech cross-border cooperation” by Prof. Hynka Böhm from the Institute of Political Sciences and Administration of the University of Opole (UO) obtained funding from the OPUS 22 + LAP / Weave program for bilateral projects involving teams from the Czech Republic. The project will be implemented in cooperation with the Technical University of Liberec.
The aim of the scientists is to investigate the impact of forced and voluntary migratory transfers that took place in the Polish-Czech border area immediately after the end of World War II on bilateral cross-border cooperation.
The migrations caused a significant change in the population structure of the Polish-Czech borderland, creating a twofold image of it. After 1945, the German-speaking population living in the western part of the borderland – from Bohumín / Chałupki to the Polish-Czech-German border triangle – was forced to leave the territory of both Czechoslovakia and Poland.
Find out more at: https://uni.opole.pl/page/5157/awodcyjny-grant-ncn-dla-projektu-prof-hynka-bohma-z-instytutu-nauk-o-polityce-i-administracji