Prof. Wojciech Niżański from the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław was awarded at the World Congress of Small Animal Reproduction in Milan. The international jury awarded him the Basic Researcher Career Award for the best research career in basic science.
The World Congress of Small Animal Reproduction takes place every four years, the last one was organized in 2016 in Paris, another was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic, so several hundred scientists met only this year. Debates, discussions and exchange of experiences took place in Milan, Italy.
“This award is a distinction not only for me. It is also a testimony to the position of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, a team of people who have managed to build here and who are adding further building blocks to science, in this particular case in the field of small animal reproduction, primarily cats, dogs and endangered species”, says Prof. Niżański.
More: https://upwr.edu.pl/aktualnosci/prof-nizanski-i-prof-paweska-z-waznymi-nagrodami-3850.html