Polish mathematicians win 8 medals in Lausanne, Switzerland

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Representatives of Poland won four gold, two silver and two bronze medals at the International Championships in Logic and Mathematical Games. More than 280 male and female competitors from 13 countries around the world competed in eight categories in the Swiss city of Lausanne.

The Poles won the most medals of all the national teams. “During the two-day competition in Lausanne, our representatives won eight medals, including four gold ones. We won the most medals of all competing teams, no other team won the first four places, and we beat the hosts, the Swiss, in the general classification by one medal”, said Dr Anna Krystek of the Polish Championships Organising Committee. 

During the championships, it was officially announced that the next – already the 37th competition will be held in Poland for the first time in history. The host of the unofficial world championships in 2023 will be the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

Read more: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/bialo-czerwona-lozanna-8-medali-dla-polski-12581.html 
