Polish microsatellite ready for further tests


Scanway in cooperation with the National Center for Research and Development are completing works on the ScanSAT satellite, which will be qualified as an engineering model. This is the next stage of the project that will allow to send the satellite into orbit and provide it with key components developed in Wroclaw.

ScanSAT is the first Polish CubeSat microsatellite, capable of providing accurate multispectral images used in various science and industry sectors. The project team is conducting environmental tests to qualify the satellite and its innovative components for space flight.

The environmental tests of the ScanSAT satellite imaging instrument will include assessments provided in a thermo-vacuum chamber and shaker testing. The latter will allow engineers to check the satellite’s strength to shocks and vibrations, which can happen during the launch of the rocket toward the Earth orbit.
More: https://mycompanypolska.pl/artykul/4168/polski-satelita-gotowy-do-kolejnych-testow?fbclid=IwAR3iYD3aG8s_oSUYycMQfC5Rru3ar02KKLadcd4KcbzCAmOXOwBfIpUkjDI

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