Polish Press Agency Foundation to launch 17th Science Popularizer competition


The 17th Science Popularizer competition is organized by the Science in Poland portal of the Polish Press Agency Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science. The aim is to award people, teams and institutions that popularize science among Poles, help others understand human phenomena and present the latest research results. Applications can be submitted by September 10th.

The awards are given to people and organizations who help others better understand the world and are able to attract people not related to science and scientific achievements.

The jury chaired by Prof. Michał Kleiber will choose the winner of the Main Prize. This distinction will be awarded to a person, team or institution that promotes science in an exceptionally creative and effective way.

There will also be awards in the categories of Scientist, Animator, Team, Institution and Media.

More: https://naukawpolsce.pap.pl/sites/default/files/202107/Regulamin%20konkursu%20Popularyzator%20Nauki%202021.pdf
