Polish research station to be created in the Colombian jungle


The Polish Biodiversitatis foundation has just bought 30 hectares of mountain forest in the Sibundoy Valley in the northern Andes (southern Colombia). At an altitude of over 2000 m a.s.l. the “La Palma” research station will be established.

– After two years of efforts by Polish scientists, we collected money to buy 30 hectares of forest in southern Colombia. This will allow to establish a nature reserve there, and in the future – the first Polish tropical research station – said Dr Marta Kolanowska, biologist from the Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz, head of the foundation.

The research station in the middle of the Colombian jungle will give botanists unlimited research opportunities. In total, about one-tenth of all plant species ever discovered worldwide exist in Colombia.
