Polish Science Gala held during the World Copernican Congress

Akademia Kopernikańska

In Toruń, during the Polish Science Gala organised as part of the World Copernican Congress, the Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek, presented awards to outstanding Polish scientists. Researchers were awarded in five categories.

“The prizes are awarded for outstanding scientific achievements, possible not only thanks to the talents of our prize-winners, but also due to the university and institute teams that create the conditions and the platform to undertake this research and reveal this truth to us”, said the minister at the ceremony.

The first award category was ‘Significant achievements in scientific activity’. The awards were received by: Dr. Grzegorz Zuzel, Dr. Marcin Misiasz, Prof. Matthias Bochtler, Dr. Humberto Couto Fernandes, Igor Helbrecht, Katarzyna Krakowska, Prof.  Eng. Agnieszka Cydzik-Kwiatkowska, Dr. Eng. Magdalena Zielińska, Prof. Eng. Marcin Kamiński, Dr. Łukasz Rąbalski, Dr. Eng. Robert Smoleński, Dr. Jakub Lipski, Dr. Eng. Dariusz Garbiec, Dr. Eng. Artur Piotr Durajski, Dr. Jacek Potocki, MD. In the category “Significant achievements in the field of teaching activities”, Dr. Wioletta Boznańska, M.D., was awarded.

In the category of ‘Significant achievements in implementation activities’, the following laureates were distinguished: Prof. Natalia Maria Marek-Trzonkowska, MD; Dr. Karolina Elżbieta Piekarska, MD; Dr. Monika Piwowar, MD; Dr. Wojciech Placha, MD; Dr. Anna Sikora, Dr. Eng. Anna Detman, Dr. Karol Olejniczak, Grzegorz Rzeźnik, Paweł Chaber, Iwona Gasińska-Mulczyńska, MD; Bartosz Lendzion, Prof. Eng. Krzysztof Jóźwiakowski, Prof. Eng. Magdalena Gajewska, Prof. Eng. Kazimierz Darowicki, Dr. Eng. Juliusz Orlikowski, Dr. Eng. Grzegorz Lentka, Dr. Eng. Bartłomiej Wacław Salski, Prof. Eng. Marek Iwański, Dr. Eng. Mateusz Marek Iwański, Dr. Eng. Krzysztof Maciejewski and Dr. Dominika Strapagiel. 

For significant achievements in organisational activities, the awards were presented to: Prof. Marek Józef Potrzebowski, Dr. Dominika Alicja Kaczorowska-Spychalska, Prof. Zdzisław Gajewski, Dr. Andrzej Dybczyński and Dr. Anna Budzanowska. 

The final category included the lifetime achievement awards. The recipients of the statuettes were: Prof. Eng. Maria Jolanta Szpakowska, Prof. Eng. Marian Mikołajczyk, Prof. Andrzej Pająk, MD, Dr. Henryk Kiereś and Katarzyna Polak. 

