Polish scientist analyzes the genetic code of all known cancers


Professor Jan Komorowski from the Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) is a co-author of the publication in the journal Nature, which summarizes the work of scientists from 37 countries on the almost complete analysis of all known cancers. It will enable the future creation of individual therapies for patients and earlier detection of cancer.

Professor Komorowski was a member of the international Pan-Cancer consortium, which analyzed the complete genetic code of exactly 2,658 types of cancer. Scientists have found 4-5 major mutations that control cancer development. These “sensitive points” can start the disease. Doctors can defeat them by designing the right therapy, tailored to the individual needs of the patient.

Professor Jan Komorowski is a co-author of 6 articles summarizing the research, which appeared in the magazines “Nature”, “Nature Communications” and “Communications Biology”.


Medicine and biotechnology