Polish students and PhD students received scholarships from the French government


As part of the application processes conducted in 2020, the French Embassy in Poland awarded 16 scholarships for master’s studies and 16 more for doctoral studies. In addition, three winners from Poland were selected in the prestigious Eiffel scholarship program of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Financial support in the form of scholarships will allow them to spend a year of master’s studies in France (at the master level 2) or to prepare a double doctorate in the so-called cotutelle, i.e. under the scientific supervision of two Polish and French supervisors, as part of four-month stays in France for the next 3 years of doctoral studies.

The largest number of graduate students who will attend French universities are represented by: the Lodz University of Technology, the Warsaw School of Economics and the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

Most frequently PhD students of the Wrocław University of Technology and the Polish Academy of Sciences participate in the French programs.

Higher education