Polish suborbital rocket Perun to be tested in Ustka


Gdynia-based SpaceForest is planning a test flight of its Perun suborbital rocket. A possible launch window opens at the end of June. The dress rehearsal before the long-awaited flight into space will be conducted at the Central Air Force Training Ground, in Ustka.

Perun is intended to be a fully reusable system, enabling at least five flights to be carried out using a single unit. It is being constructed with the aim of creating a cost-effective platform for research in a microgravity environment. According to the assumptions, measuring 11 m in length, the system will be able to lift up to 50 kg of payload to an altitude of up to 150 km (with close to 1 t of launch mass for the entire system).

Earlier, also in Ustka, SpaceForest carried out an exercise in pre-launch procedures. The tests involved preparation of the launch pad, operation of the launcher, communication with the RASEL ground station and refuelling of the rocket and were successful.

Read more: https://space24.pl/pojazdy-kosmiczne/systemy-nosne/polska-rakieta-poleci-w-kosmos-przed-nami-proba-generalna?fbclid=IwAR3mSBkaWmrsIpxcv2642IvjhMu_28iPLWK3R1yBaDPNn4zqVdN5ed3iv90

Technical sciences