Poznan researchers to modify artificial textiles 

Fot. Lukasz Gdak/East News

Researchers from the Faculty of Physics at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań will carry out the project ‘Magnetic textiles modified with (nano)materials’. They have received a grant for their research in the Preludium Bis competition of the National Science Centre.

Artificial textiles can be modified by adding active substances that could be released under the influence of external factors such as ultrasound waves. 

By adding magnetic materials, we create smart materials that respond to an external magnetic field, which can cause the material to move or heat up due to processes in and around the particles. The project will investigate the manufacture of textile materials modified with additives that have different properties, including magnetic particles.

Read more: https://amu.edu.pl/nauka/popularyzacja-nauki/artykuly-popularyzacja-nauki/magnetyczne-tekstyle-modyfikowane-nanomaterialami

Research and development