Poznań researchers win the competition organized by the BiodivERsA network and the Water JPI initiative


Two research teams with scientists from the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań are the winners of the competition organized by the BiodivERsA network and the Water JPI initiative.

172 international research applications were submitted within the competition “BiodivRestore: Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity, including a focus on aquatic systems”, 22 projects received funding of over EUR 21.4 million.

An international team with Poznań researchers will carry out the ReVersal project: Restitution of peat bogs in the nemoral zone under conditions of diversified water supply and its quality. The project will be implemented with the participation of partners from Austria, the Netherlands and Germany.

The list of co-financed undertakings also includes the RESPOND project: Restoration and management of biodiversity and ecosystem services of periodic water reservoirs. It will be implemented with partners from Belgium, Spain and Morocco.

Research and development