Poznan scientist scientific becomes the director of AIELF


Professor Krzysztof Malaga from the University of Economics in Poznan UEP was elected new scientific director of the L’Association Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française (AIELF). For the first time in the 94-year history of the association, this position was offered to a Pole.

The elections took place during the AIELF congress in Santiago de Chile. The duties of the new scientific director will include performing the function of editor-in-chief, issued since 2016, Revue Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française.

AIELF is an association founded in the interwar period. It creates, extends and strengthens academic and cultural ties to promote economics in its human, institutional and formal aspects. It contributes to promoting research and raising the level of education, and encouraging young people to invest.

Modern economy