Poznan scientists investigating how cells deal with DNA damage


Dr. Paweł Zawadzki from the Department of Molecular Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, studies how cells deal with DNA damage. The knowledge gained in this way can be used to improve the quality of treatment for people with cancer.

Dr. Zawadzki investigates one of the types of DNA repair consisting in nucleotide excision (NER – nucleotide excision repair), the basic component of the code – Physically, it provides an excision, one of the enzymes acts like scissors, cuts DNA on both sides of the damage, ejects the parts, and then synthesizes new ones that is not damaged – explains the scientist.

– If this system works well in humans, there are no mutations in the genes. However, if this repair works poorly, for example in a smoker, the system will not be able to cut out the damaged piece and many mutations can accumulate in the body and their consequence is cancer – adds Dr. Zawadzki.
More: https://amu.edu.pl/wiadomosci/aktualnosci/z-zycia-uam/wygramy-z-rakiem-dzieki-bakteriom

Medicine and biotechnology