Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre sign the “Declaration of Simple Language”

fot. Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowe

During the 5th Simple Language Forum “Straight and Dot”, the “Declaration of Simple Language” was signed. The document was signed by over a dozen institutions including, represented by Robert Pękal, the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre (PSNC), Poznan City Hall and Adam Mickiewicz University.

The signatories undertook to strive to ensure that the office’s employees improve the competences necessary to comply with the principles of plain language in speaking and writing, to create language standards and encourage employees to apply them, to make employees sensitive to the needs of others – regardless of age, level of disability or level of education, and to introduce solutions in line with the idea of plain language and promote them among others.

The document was first signed in 2018 by representatives of ministries and institutions important to plain language. In the following years, more state and local government entities joined the initiative. 

Read more: https://www.pcss.pl/podpisano-deklaracje-prostego-jezyka/
