Poznań to show how to make art accessible to visually impaired people

Adrian Wykrota uniwersyteckie.pl.

Dr Dorota Łuczak of the Institute of Art History at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań is the originator and organiser of a pioneering class at the Poznań university on making art accessible to visually impaired people. Dr Łuczak implemented her project as part of the University of Tomorrow grant.

The seminar participants – art history MA students – had the opportunity to participate in a series of workshops and meetings with specialists-practitioners during which they learned about techniques that allow blind and visually impaired people to experience works of visual art. 

“This project was a certain complement to the issues I have been introducing in my classes for several years now. Previously, I have focused on phenomena in modern and contemporary art where works uniquely encourage viewers to experience multisensory perception”, says the researcher.

Read more: https://www.uniwersyteckie.pl/nauka/dr-dorota-luczak-doswiadczyc-dziela-sztuki
