Poznań University of Economics’ OpenFact project receives the highest rating in evaluation


The ‘OpenFact’ project, carried out at the Poznań University of Economics, received the highest number of points during the evaluation of the first phase of the INFOSTRATEG programme of the National Centre for Research and Development in the field of fake news detection using artificial intelligence.

The “OpenFact” project is led by the team of the Department of Economic Informatics of the Poznań University with the cooperation of technological and content partners, including: Google, Facebook, Bright Data, Harvard University, as well as leading fact-checking organisations in Poland. 

The results of the first phase of the project are a dataset containing fake news in Polish to train artificial intelligence algorithms, and detection methods developed and implemented. The task of the target solution will be to inform users about the result of the evaluation of the credibility of news in popular search engines and social networks”. 

Read more: https://ue.poznan.pl/pl/aktualnosci,c16/aktualnosci,c15/projekt-openfact-z-najwyzsza-liczba-punktow-od-ncbr,a108607.html

Research and development