Poznan University of Technology implementing a project funded by its parent company Facebook

Politechnika Wrocławska

Poznan University of Technology’s Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security is implementing the ‘ARPresence’ project, funded by a grant from Meta (Facebook’s parent company), which has announced a $2.5 million grant in 2022 to support independent academic research into the use of metaverse concepts and technologies across Europe. 

The project at the Centre is part of the European Metaverse Research Network, an initiative that brings together seven European research centres that have received Meta grants to study metaverse issues. 

In this project, Poznan researchers are working on augmented reality (AR) and remote participation solutions to improve the quality of life of people vulnerable to social exclusion due to their age, health or family situation.

Read more: https://www.put.poznan.pl/artykul/centrum-sztucznej-inteligencji-i-cyberbezpieczenstwa-dzialalnosc-projektowa-naukowa-i

Research and development