Poznan University of Technology to cooperate with PozLab

Politechnika Poznańska

Poznan University of Technology has signed a cooperation agreement with PozLab. The agreement provides for, among other things, mutual access to research facilities, knowledge transfer and commercialisation. The company’s resources will also be available to students and graduates who will carry out internships and placements there. 

Poznan University of Technology will also benefit from the partner’s knowledge and experience in education and the study programme. The agreement, which provides for joint research, projects and production work, was signed by Prof Teofil Jesionowski, rector of the Poznań University of Technology, and Tomasz Narojczyk, CEO of PozLab Sp. z o.o.

PozLab sp. z o.o is a company providing services in the sector of research and development and chemical and pharmaceutical analytics for companies in the pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, veterinary and related industries as an independent research and development laboratory.

Read more: https://www.put.poznan.pl/artykul/politechnika-poznanska-podpisala-umowe-z-pozlab

Higher education