Dr Eng. Paulina Powroźnik, from the Institute of Physics – Science and Didactics Centre of the Silesian University of Technology, has won a grant in the Sonatina 6 competition organised by the National Science Centre. Thanks to the funding, she will realise the project ‘Design and characterisation of aluminium oxide/phthalocyanine hybrid structures’.
“Hybrid structures, are of great interest to researchers looking for solutions for use in electronic devices. The most common combination is a crystalline inorganic layer combined with organic molecular layers. Such structures offer a combination of the advantages of both types of materials”, says the winner.
Funding from the competition may be allocated for employment of laureates in Polish scientific units, realisation of basic and applied research, and foreign internships of 3 to 6 months’ duration. Dr Eng. Powroźnik will use the grant to finance an internship at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.