Prehabilitation at the University Clinical Center of the Medical University of Gdańsk


The University Clinical Center at the hospital of the Medical University of Gdańsk is launching a project to support patients in the pre-operation period. “Prehabilitation at UCK” will start with educational activities. The first lecture “Get up before the operation” will be held on October 27. After that, breathing and regeneration exercises are planned.

The project’s creators want to show patients what actions accelerating the process of recovery after surgery can be taken before it. The moment when the patient learns about the need for surgery is often stressful, but it can also become a moment of awakening.

The period of waiting for surgery is worth learning ways of active care for one’s health. Scientific research and clinical observations have shown that increasing the psychophysical capacity of the patient in the pre-operative period can shorten the time of hospital stay and speed up recovery.

Innovations Medicine and biotechnology