Prestigious European grant for a consortium with the participation of Wrocław University of Technology

fot. Politechnika Wrocławska

An international consortium of universities, scientific institutes and companies, including the French aerospace company Airbus and the Wrocław University of Technology, has won EUR 10 million for the ECOHYDRO project. Thanks to the grant under the prestigious Horizon Europe programme, they will soon begin work on unique tanks for collecting and transporting hydrogen. 

These are to be large tanks, capable of holding between 40 and even 300 kg of hydrogen. The project will develop both high-pressure and cryogenic tanks that will be suitable for a variety of applications – from hydrogen transportation, to powering road, rail and water vehicles and overhead energy storage, to aviation.

Hydrogen is the next step in the industry’s propulsion development, with a number of aerospace companies working on applying hydrogen technology to aircraft, and Airbus has announced that it will begin production of its first hydrogen-powered aircraft no later than 2035.

Read more:–samonaprawiajace-sie-zbiorniki-na-wodor-prestizowy-grant-na-prace-miedzynarodowego-konsorcjum-13100.html 
