Prof. Wojciech Franus becomes the Personality of the Year 2020 of the Lublin Region


Prof. Eng. Wojciech Franus, the leader of the MSA Group research group from the Lublin University of Technology, won the title of Personality of the Year of Lublin Region 2020 in the Science category in the newspaper Kurier Lubelski competition.  

The aim of the competition is to honor extraordinary, inventive, active and interesting people who consistently pursue their goals and attract others, and their activity contributes to the development of the region.

The prize was awarded to Prof. Franus for his implementation of numerous research projects, including “Fly ashes as precursors of functionalised materials for use in environmental engineering, construction and agriculture” and “Research and development works on production technology and directions of applications of new types of materials obtained on the basis of fly ashes”.

MSA Group, led by Prof. Franus is a team of scientists employed at the Lublin University of Technology, which brings together specialists in materials engineering, environmental engineering, chemistry, construction and geology.

