Professor Aleksander Nawrat about innovations


The changes proposed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education are intended to release the potential of Polish science. Two new legislation acts on innovation and the Constitution for Science enable Polish universities to commercialize research results, set up their own companies spin-offs or establish their cooperation with business – says Prof. Aleksander Nawrat, deputy director of the National Center for Research and Development in the journal „Wszystko co najważniejsze”.

In his article “Course on Innovation” Prof. Aleksander Nawrat presents examples of successful Polish projects financed by the National Center for Research and Development. Last year, 64 competitions were announced and the Center supported 3702 projects with a total funding of PLN 18.5 billion.

The role of public administration is to stimulate and support the activities of the scientific, economic and financial environment – concludes Prof. Nawrat.


Innovations Modern economy Research and development