Professor Joseph Schatzker, doctor h.c. of Jagiellonian University


Prof. Joseph Schatzker, one of the world’s greatest traumatologists, became an honorary doctor of the Jagiellonian University. Prof. Schatzker is a scholar of Polish origin, living in Canada and working at University of Toronto.

He is the author of many analyses of fractures , which give the basis for choosing the right treatment method and indicate possible complications. His books and textbooks formed the foundations of modern traumatology, and are used by orthopedists and trauma surgeons throughout the world.
In 1979 he became an associate professor and in 1984 a professor of surgery at the University of Toronto. In 1985, he was appointed the head of the Trauma Orthopedic Department at Sunnybrook Hospital, the largest orthopedics and trauma center in Canada. He was also an examiner of the Royal College of Canadian Surgeons. He is the vice-chairman of the world orthopedic organization SICOT (Sociѐtѐ Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopѐdique et de Traumatologie).
