Project of scientists from the Silesian University of Technology awarded in the Innovator of Silesia 2021 competition


Scientists from the Department of Biomechatronics of the Silesian University of Technology were awarded in the Innovator of Silesia 2021 competition. The jury appreciated their project Tholos – a system of individual patient isolation and protection of medical personnel against SARS-CoV-2 infection. 

The system is designed to protect medical personnel and patients during interventional cardiology or routine diagnostic activities, such as X-ray, ECG, ultrasound or ultrasound. Tholos cleans and filters the air exhaled by the patient, and also kills pathogenic microorganisms and other pathogens carried by them. The cleaned and sterilized air then returns to the room.

The device was developed under the rector’s grant of the Silesian University of Technology for projects preventing the spread of COVID-19. The Tholos system has already been commercialized and is ready for implementation in medical units. At the moment it is being tested in one of the hospitals in the Silesian province.


Innovations Medicine and biotechnology