Project of the Białystok University of Technology is the highest rated in the competition for educational mobility


The National Agency of the Erasmus + Program announced the results of the call under the “Learning Mobility: Mobility of students and employees of universities with partner countries in 2018” program. The projects were submitted by 129 universities from all over the country. The application of the Białystok University of Technology was assessed as the best.

Białystok’s university also received the highest co-financing in the amount of EUR 800,000. Thanks to it, almost 260 students will be able to visit partner universities in the countries outside the European Union and at the Białystok Technical University.

The program includes students and university staff. Bialystok University of Technology proposed cooperation with partner universities from 36 countries. The largest number of program participants will be able to benefit from exchanges with Russia and Serbia.

See the results of the competition:

Higher education