Project of the West Pomeranian University of Technology co-financed in the POLNOR CCS competition


The Polish-Norwegian project coordinated by the department of technology and chemical engineering of the West Pomeranian University of Technology has received funding in the POLNOR CCS competition, which focuses on carbon capture and storage. This is a continuation of previously conducted research.

Numerous research groups around the world are dealing with the issue of CO2 processing into useful products. – Our first preliminary results allow to suppose that we can achieve success in this matter, thanks to the innovation of the photocatalytic materials we use – says project manager Prof. Eng. Urszula Narkiewicz.

Effective CO2 capture is just the first step. Next phase is its photocatalytic and electrocatalytic reduction. – We will be working again with the same, proven partners from Norway, with whom our cooperation during the implementation of the first project went so well – announced Prof. Narkiewicz.

Research and development