Three researchers at the University of Medical Sciences in Wrocław will realise their projects thanks to co-financing as part of the Prelude 21 competition organised by the National Science Centre.
Julian Maciaszek from the Department of Psychiatry will realise the project: ‘The concept of allostatic load as an attempt to understand the biological and psychopathological consequences of the refugee crisis’.
Marta Maria Kozakiewicz-Latała from the Department of Drug Formulation Technology will lead the project: ‘Understanding the miscibility of drug/polymer/plasticiser systems and its impact on the mechanical properties of polymeric filaments for processing in FDM incremental technology’.
Maciej Spiegel from the Department of Pharmacognosy and Plant Medicine will carry out the project: ‘Application of artificial intelligence in the search for new medicinal substances of natural origin with mechanisms of action aimed at reducing the concentration of free radicals in the body’.
Read more: https://www.umw.edu.pl/pl/aktualnosci/preludium-dla-badaczy-z-umw