Psychologists from Katowice and Warsaw to measure the degree of narcissism in different personality types


Three psychologists: Dr Lidia Baran and Dr Maria Flakus from the Institute of Psychology at the University of Silesia in Katowice and Dr Radosław Rogoza from the Institute of Psychology of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw have started analyzing life and the shades of narcissism as first part of the project entitled “Personality Peculiarities”.

This is the first research project in Poland of an ecological (environmental) nature, temporarily measuring the degree of narcissism in individual personality types. It consists in obtaining the opinions of respondents about the feelings and emotions that they feel in various everyday situations. The next part of the project is to compile the collected data and analyze whether there are daily emotional fluctuations and whether they show more constant features.

The research is financed by a research grant obtained within the call of the National Science Center OPUS 20.


