Research of physicists from Toruń receive over PLN 15 million


The Institute of Physics of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (UMK) in cooperation with other scientific centers received grants from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the National Center for Research and Development. Thanks to funding, Toruń physicists will carry out two research projects.

Astronomical Center Nicolaus Copernicus of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Physics of the Nicolaus Copernicus University are realizing the project “National Center for Satellite Quantum Communication (NCSatKom)” co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education with over PLN 9.6 million.

The National Center for Research and Development co-financed a joint project of the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Computer Science applied at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Syderal Poland and the University of Gdańsk. The main goal of this initiative is to develop a “self-steering electronic satellite controller for quantum entanglement generator”. NCBiR will allocate over PLN 5.5 million for this purpose.

Higher education Research and development