Researcher from Lublin receives more than PLN 1.5 million for her archaeological project

M. Mackiewicz UMCS

As the only winner from Lublin, Dr Agata Hałuszko from the Institute of Archaeology at Maria Curie Skłodowska University (UMCS) has been selected as one of the winners of the seventh SONATINA competition. Her project ‘MOUND: barrow builders from the 2nd millennium BC from south-western Poland in a spatio-temporal and bioarchaeological perspective’ received the highest funding – PLN 1 576 208.

The aim of the project is to verify the hypothesis on the increased intensity of migration of early and middle Bronze Age societies and its impact on the transformation of funerary rites from inhumation to cremation – based on bioarchaeological studies of human skeletal remains. 

The researcher wants to obtain information on mobility, identification of differences in biological condition and burial practices between inhumated and cremated individuals within one cemetery and – in a further stage of research – also between selected cemeteries of different archaeological cultures, dated to the 2nd millennium BC from Poland. 
