Researcher of the Medical University of Gdańsk looking for new methods of fighting breast cancer


Dr Eng. Agnieszka Pyrczak-Felczykowska of the Department of Physiology of the Medical University of Gdańsk will implement a project that may help in the fight against breast cancer. The research will be financed under the Miniatura 4 program organized by the National Science Center.

The aim of the research is to determine whether selected synthetic derivatives of the lichen metabolite – usnic acid – induce the death of breast cancer cells under the ER-phage process. ER-phage is a recently described process leading to the remodeling or even complete removal of the endoplasmic reticulum from the cell. This results in the disruption of many cellular processes that can lead to death.

Scientists can submit applications for the implementation of a single scientific activity under the Miniatura 4  in one of the following forms: preliminary / pilot research, query, research internship, research trip or consultation trip.

Medicine and biotechnology