Researcher of the University of Gdańsk becomes a laureate of the Miniature 5 competition


Dr Urszula Zarzecka from the Faculty of Biology at the University of Gdańsk won the Miniature 5 competition for individual scientific activities announced by the National Science Center.  She received almost 50 thousand PLN to finance preliminary / pilot studies on her project “The role of periplasmic proteases in metalloregulation in bacteria Helicobacter pylori”,

For the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, which inhabits the stomach, the availability of metal ions is limited, so their efficient trapping may be crucial for the survival of the bacteria.

-As part of this project, I am planning to perform proteomic analysis of bacterial cells lacking the genes encoding the proteases under study and compare the results with the non-mutated strain. I hope to detect differences in the level of proteins important in metalloregulation, which would confirm the role of periplasmic proteases in this process – says the laureate.

