Researcher of the University of Silesia joins the international project of sustainable plant production


Dr Agata Daszkowska-Golec from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Silesia is participating in the international project “Advanced tools for intensified and sustainable cultivation of barley in the face of climate change / BARISTA”.

The project of scientists from Italy, Finland, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Estonia and Poland received almost 835,000. PLN co-financing under the first ERA-NET Co-Fund SusCrop Program competition.

SusCrop is an action under Horizon 2020, which aims to strengthen the European Research Area in the field of sustainable plant production through closer cooperation and coordination of national and regional research programs. SusCrop brings together owners and managers of national and regional research and development and innovation programs in Member States and associated countries of the EU and third countries with extensive experience in financing and coordinating research.

Medicine and biotechnology Research and development