Three researchers from the Poznań University of Economics have been included in the elite 2% of the world’s most cited, most influential researchers in 2022.
Prof. Renata Dobrucka from the Department of Industrial Product Quality and Packaging, deals with nanotechnology, nanomaterials, industrial product innovation, cosmetics and medicinal products, packaging material innovation, packaging production, pharmaceutical packaging, and industrial product and packaging safety.
The research topics of Prof. Anna Gliszczyńska-Swigło include instrumental methods for assessing food quality and safety, vitamins, and natural antioxidants.
Dr Adam Zaremba, Professor at UEP, deals with investments in commodity markets, hedge funds, alternative investments, investment innovation in financial markets, investment and risk management and liquidity management.
Read more: https://ue.poznan.pl/aktualnosci/naukowcy-z-uep-wsrod-najbardziej-cenionych-badaczy-na-swiecie/