Researchers from the Poznań University of Life Sciences co-authored a book on the protection and shaping of cultural landscapes

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu

Dr Eng. Agnieszka Wilkaniec and Dr Eng. Anna Gałecka-Drozda from the Department of Green Areas and Landscape Architecture at the Poznan University of Life Sciences are co-authors of the monograph “Protection and Shaping of the Cultural Landscape in Integrated Development Planning”.

The book was written as an expression of concern for the landscape – not only the exceptional one, distinguished by its natural and cultural values, most often already subject to various forms of protection, but also for the “everyday” landscape, viewed every day and often underestimated. 

The publication is used in teaching, especially in the fields of landscape architecture, spatial management, tourism and recreation. It is also useful for people who have a direct impact on the landscape, local governments and institutions responsible for the condition of space. In addition, the study can be used by all those who are interested in the quality of the landscape and take action to protect it.


Technical sciences