Scientists from the University of Agriculture in Krakow (URK) have received the main prize at the IWIS International Warsaw Exhibition of Inventions for a microwave device (remotely controlled robot) for destroying invasive plants, particularly Sosnowski hogweed.
URK explains that the microwaves emitted by the device’s antennae are capable of destroying hogweed plants at any phase of phenological growth. Unlike other known technologies, the device is able to permanently reduce the germination capacity of the seeds, which has not been achieved by other methods so far.
As a result, it leads to the permanent elimination of unwanted invasive vegetation from a variety of habitats including valuable natural areas e.g: Natura 2000, landscape parks, national parks.
The International Warsaw Invention Exhibition IWIS is one of the largest international events in Poland promoting invention and innovation. Every year, several hundred inventions from around 25 countries are presented there.