Researchers from the University of Silesia join the DEEPWATER-CE project


Employees of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology at the Faculty of Earth Sciences of the University of Silesia are taking part in the project DEEPWATER-CE, which aims to support planning and management of water resources by implementing systems of artificial power (Managed Aquifer Recharge – MAR) as a solution to the problem of water scarcity caused by climate change.

The project involves 8 partners from 5 countries: Hungary (Hungarian Mining and Geological Service, Geogold Kárpátia sp. Z o. O.), Croatia (Water and Sewer Company in Split, Croatian Geological Survey), Slovakia (Water Research Institute), Germany (University of Technical in Munich) and Poland (National Water Farm “Wody Polskie” and the University of Silesia).

The project is financed from the funds of the trans-national Interreg Central Europe program. The total budget of the project is over 1.7 million euros. The completion of the project is planned for 2022.

Technical sciences