Researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology developed a low-cost technology for the production of hydrogen


Researchers from the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology have developed a technology that will enable the common and less expensive production of hydrogen.

As a result of the electrolysis of water, hydrogen and oxygen are produced. Platinum is widely used as a catalyst, which is very expensive and less and less available. Scientists are looking for a material that could replace it.

The Product Engineering research team at the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology proposed a combination of molybdenum disulfide and carbon nanomaterials. They show promising electrocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic properties for water separation.

“Our materials will be produced in crash reactors, which is a novelty” says Zuzanna Bojarska from Warsaw University of Technology and adds that crash reactors allow the production of materials with repeatable properties in a continuous and controlled manner. Due to their simple design, they are easily scalable and can be successfully used in industry.
