Researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology join a project to improve the transport of goods within cities

Fot. Arkadiusz Ziolek/ East News

Specialists from the Warsaw University of Technology (PW) at the Faculty of Transport (Dr Eng. Andrzej Kochan) and the Faculty of Architecture (Dr Eng. Krystian Kwiecinski) are working on the Screening Tool as part of the international UrbFRail project, which aims to create tools to improve the creation and revitalisation of freight rail hubs in cities. 

The aim of the solution being developed by the PW researchers is to highlight key aspects that need to be considered when assessing the potential of a site for the creation of an urban freight rail hub.

“The tool enables a preliminary assessment of a site’s potential, based on existing railway sidings or the possibility of their revitalisation into a rail hub”, says Dr Andrzej Kochan.

The tool will be available to urban planners, municipal authorities, those responsible for railway development, infrastructure managers and those managing existing sidings.
