Researchers from the Wrocław University of Economics to carry out projects funded by competitions of the National Science Centre 

fot. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wroclawiu

Researchers at the Wrocław University of Economics (UEW) will carry out projects funded by the Opus and Prelude competitions of the National Science Centre. Both projects represent an important contribution to scientific research and the development of a green, economic future.

In the Opus 25 competition, a grant of over PLN 430 000 was awarded to Dr Magdalena Kapelko, Professor at UEW. The money will allow the realisation of a project entitled ‘Research on efficiency and productivity changes in decision-making units: new methods based on machine learning techniques and empirical applications’. 

Magdalena Mucowska will carry out the project ‘Stakeholder relations and their impact on green last mile delivery in the e-commerce market – a comparative case study’. The money for the research (over PLN 100,000) is provided by the Prelude 22 competition.

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Modern economy