Researchers of the Gdańsk University of Technology working on a remote apiary surveillance tool


Scientists from the Gdańsk University of Technology are working on a tool for beekeeping supervision. The researchers obtained funding from the project “e-Pionier II – Support for investors from the ICT industry as a chance to develop the potential of talented programmers” and support from the investor – Sescom S.A.

Researchers will develop a network of energy-saving beekeeping monitoring devices that collect temperature, humidity and sound data, as well as information on attempts to steal hives or vandalism. These data will be sent to a remote server, their summary will be sent to the beekeeper through an internet application.

– There is a strong need today to build a system that will not only monitor the hive and show temperature or humidity values, but also provide alarm mechanisms. The beekeepers needs as soon as possible information on the occurrence of situations harmful to their bees – says the leader of the project team, Dr Eng. Andrzej Sobecki.


