Researchers of the University of Gdańsk looking for targeted anti-cancer drugs


Researchers of the International Center for Research on Cancer Vaccines at the University of Gdańsk are implementing, as part of the Horizon 2020 program, the project “Knowledge At the Tip of Your fingers: Clinical Knowledge for Humanity” (KATY).

KATY is a system of the personalized medicine assisted by artificial intelligence, developed of two main components: the Distributed Knowledge Graph and predictors that will allow the use of AI to model the effects of treatment. The system communicates this information to doctors to support the choice of therapy options.

As a proof of concept, the consortium will develop and test the idea for the complex and heterogeneous cancer of the kidney. The project is being carried out by scientists from England, Austria, France, Greece, Spain, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Ukraine and Italy. The activities are financed from EU funds in the amount of nearly EUR 8.5 million, the budget for the Gdańsk university is almost EUR 650 thousand euro.


Medicine and biotechnology