Researchers of the University of Silesia in Katowice received two patents


Researchers at the University of Silesia in Katowice have developed methods for producing composite layers and a double top layer on substrates made of aluminum or its alloys. Both inventions received patent protection.

Dr Joanna Korzekwa and Dr Władysław Skoneczny, Prof. of the University of Silesia from the faculty of exact and technical sciences have developed two new, relatively simple and economically efficient methods to obtain materials based on aluminum characterized primarily by high resistance to abrasion wear.

Properly composed layers have self-lubricating properties, increase the hardness of aluminum components, improve their anti-corrosion properties and thermal conductivity. Materials modified in such a way could be successfully used as a structural element in systems where strong friction and wear of parts, such as slide bearings or guides can be used.

Innovations Technical sciences